Sunday, December 7, 2008


Some pictures from the activities around the house at this time of year. Dominated of course by granddaughters!!

Vi-Vi sporting Nana's latest knitting invention: leg warmers!! Giant sized and stretchable.

Papa reads to the French of course!! They are picking it up faster than we!!

Emma showing off one of the nice placemarkers she made for Thanksgiving....."action des grace"!

Christine with the latest knitted hat......."fair isle" technique! Isn't she pretty??

Beatrice gets the camera and does two grandmas at once. From her eye level!!

Then it's Grandpa......up close and personal.

Bea catches Emma and Grandpa in a tender!!

Uncle Jon checks the fit of Vi's new helmet. Maybe we can stuff some newspaper in with her.

Vi shows off her one and only tooth!! Very, very sharp!! Purt near purfic!!

Decorating the tree. Spread out all of the old decorations and glue together all the broken ones.
Tree is all done with lots of Frosties!! Bet we beat you!!

Capped off with a very holy angel!
Tree smells great and cost a fortune. Very X-mas-y and we can still see around it to the new giant screen TV!! One more Christmas almost over!


Christine Cohen said...

Very cute leg-warmers!

Jan said...

Hey! I recognize some of those frosties!